
Showing posts from April, 2020

No detriment-al? Why I'm against the University of Portsmouth's decision

We knew it was a matter of time before the University of Portsmouth would suspend face-to-face teaching amid the coronavirus pandemic.   In the days leading up to the announcement, I spent a ridiculous amount of time refreshing my emails. My phone buzzed repeatedly on Friday 13 th March, as my friends at other universities told me they would be packing up for the year and heading home. I refreshed the emails - nothing. I checked again – still nothing. Finally, at around 4:30pm, we were told. Throughout the following week, emails came flooding in from my course’s department detailing what would be amended with regards to exams and assessments. Some assignments were scrapped altogether, others adjusted to be completed from home. We knew lockdown was inevitable, but until it really happened, it was hard to believe we would all be forced into our homes. Some, including myself, made the decision to remain in Portsmouth until the situation became clearer – after all,